Sunday, May 12, 2024
GamingGaming App

Best Android & iOS Ludo Games for 2022 & Beyond

2021 was a fantastic year for Ludo, as it reached the top position in the gaming market in terms of the most played online game. It was remarkable to observe how a year saw so many leading international production houses release graphically intense games. However, the humble Ludo still managed to attract the most players in terms of usage.

Best Android & iOS Ludo Game
Best Android & iOS Ludo Game

The classic game of Ludo is the most popular in the Indian subcontinent, and on the internet, there are innumerable apps that you can easily download to play the game. To get your perfect ludo game app, you must go through the top reviewed apps on the iOS and Android stores and download the one best suited for your phone.

In this list, let’s check the top iOS and Android Ludo games that are the best iterations of the board game and are bound to last this year and over.

MPL Ludo

MPL Ludo is the most positively reviewed app on the online marketplace and has millions of downloads across both iOS and Android platforms. The ludo game app of MPL is the cleanest of the lot and has a smooth installation across most of the current devices. So what makes this app so unique for playing Ludo? You can play with rivals with zero wait time when queuing for a game, and there are also new modes. Hundreds of professional players play on MPL Ludo, and you are guaranteed not to have one dull match.

The regular game of Ludo might prove to be monotonous, so MPL has included two more modes in the game: Ludo Win and Ludo Attack. These two variations come with unique agendas and set the bar for the competition with this app too high. In Ludo Win, you are given 18 moves to play the game, and the player with the highest score wins. For Ludo Attack, you must spin a wheel to score the numbers to move your tokens. Here the one to reach the finish line first wins the game. There are many other rules and regulations to these games, so you must check out the website and learn them in detail before diving in.

Ludo King

The undisputed champion of the list is Ludo King, with thousands of players swarming their servers daily to challenge each other for extended game rounds. In 2021, Ludo King became the best Ludo-playing app and reached the top spot in all play stores. The visuals of this app are the classic representation of the actual board game, and its unique glitch-free experience is what makes it a winner in the category, among other things. You can also play the game offline on this app, and upto 6 players can join in a single match. The experience is smooth for Android and iOS, and receives regular updates on both platforms. Players get a reward on their daily log-in, and you can create a personalized game room for yourself. The interactive part of the game is also very intuitive, and you can make buddies with people online and chat with them using emojis.

Ludo All-Star

Ludo All-Star is one of the more simple Ludo-playing apps on the internet and supports a very familiar theme for the game. Fans of old-fashioned games will be drawn by the simple style of the board and the easy, intuitive controls that come along with the app. This app also supports the feature of having daily rewards, which you can obtain by doing a kind of roulette spin. Other app features remain the same except for a raid mode and an undo mode that miraculously lets you undo your plays and fix a move you might have wrongly made. Some aspects are pretty simple, so it requires some upgrades to stay more relevant in the latter part of 2022.

Ludo Family Board Game

Again, this is one of the simpler Ludo apps you can get on the iOS app store. The game has four themes you can choose from, and as the name says, it is a straightforward app that can be enjoyed by your family and you together. The game has superb graphics and connects to all your social media so that you have easy access to all the contacts on your list. In addition, the game allows you to challenge your friends directly and invite your family members to a healthy game round. For starters, you should follow the rules that come along with the game, and you will be all set to become the Ludo coordinator in your home.

Super Ludo Live

Super Ludo Live is one of the newer Ludo apps that offers a fantastic experience of the Ludo game with mood-changing capabilities built into the system. For the average player of Ludo, many elements of surprise are built into the game. The game has a 3D display, so visuals are the game’s top-level feature. Another significant factor about this game is that it has a fast-playing style, so players can intensely focus on their games and quickly get them over with. You can also make international friends with the inbuilt chat system, and instant challenges are fun and immersive. You will love the app because of its simplicity and ease of use which also makes it something that will outlast other Ludo apps in the market.

Final Words

The Ludo experience anywhere is a relief, and these new digital platforms introduced for the apps compete to turn out the best ones so that players remain hooked to the game. The apps selected in the list are the best for this year, and with the range of updates, they are sure to outlast countless Ludo apps. What remains to be seen is how many of these can still retain their integrity by the end of the year and maintain their good performance so players can keep enjoying the game.

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