Wednesday, April 24, 2024
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What is CTR in Digital Marketing? | Why it Matters

CTR (Click-Through Rate)

CTR is the metric expressed ratio that defines the number of users who click on specific advertisement, Email, Links or search results versus the number of times it has been viewed. Generally it can be used to measure the search console data or the effectiveness of an online advertising campaign for a targeted website.

Some examples where CTR is measured:

  • Call-to-action button or link in an Email
  • Organic result on a SERP page
  • Face book display advertisement
  • Any website element, such as a button, image, headline, etc.

    In this CTR Post, you’ll learn about:

    1. CTR (Click-Through Rate) : Understanding Click-Through Rate
    2. How to calculate Click Through Rate (CTR)?
    3. Purpose of Click Through Rates?
    4. Why Do Click-Through Rates Matter?

    How to calculate Click-Through Rate (CTR)?

    To determine the CTR of your online campaign, you have to divide the number of total Impressions by the total clicks of that campaign and multiply it by 100.

    How to calculate CTR, Calculate CTR in Hindi, Calculating CTR procedure

    For example:- If an advertisement for a Ecyberplanet generated 100 clicks and 6000 impressions, the CTR is 0.7%:

    CTR = 6000 : 100 x 100 = 1.67

    Purpose of Click-Through Rates

    The main purpose of Click Through Rates is to identify the ratio of clicks over the impressions of an online marketing campaign or search console data. It helps in finding out the response or success of online marketing campaign. Normally the higher CTR means the more success of online campaign.

    Why Do Click-Through Rates Matter?

    Every online marketer want to know the result or reactions of their web campaigns, in this Click Through Rates help them a lot. It reveals the strength or weakness of Online Marketing Campaign. It helps in calculating the ratio of people who click on the advertisement after seeing it from total number of peoples of who see the advertisement. However, CTR is an easy piece of data to acquire.
         You can use CTR to measure which Keywords or ads are successful for you site or business and which need to be improved. CTR is also important for your business because it directly affects your quality score. Additionally, if you are advertising on relevant keywords or queries, achieving a high CTR means that you are getting the highest number of people to your content.


    Improving CTR is one of the effective ways that help you to increase more traffic or exposure. To finding out that your business or Website is doing a good at paid search or with your email marketing campaigns, try comparing your Click Through Rate to your other averages.


    CTR full form, CTR Meaning in marketing, Ctr ka full form, CTR meaning in Digital marketing, CTR meaning in Hindi, ctr definition marketing, Adsense, Adwords, what does ctr mean in digital marketing, why we check CTR, is it really important to check ctr, ctr advantages, ctr cons, why we need to check ctr.

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    One thought on “What is CTR in Digital Marketing? | Why it Matters

    • Jorge Jacobsen

      Thank you for sharing, fantastic blog…


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